Recent Webinar Resources

Please find useful resources below from our recent webinars.

Feb 25, 2021 | Getting the Most out of a Statewide RUC Assessment and Pilot
MBUFA and EROAD - Road Charging in Europe
Road Pricing and Electronic Tolling in Europe
Skytoll - Road Charging in Europe

Jan 22, 2021 | Getting the Most out of a Statewide RUC Assessment and Pilot
Zoom Recording | Passcode: Tx#nF4xa

Dec 8, 2020 | Connected Vehicle Ecosystem: The Future is Now

Dec 1, 2020 | Equity Considerations in a Road Charging System
Zoom Recording | Passcode: Lq3x8Ad#

Oct 29, 2020 | Trucks Are Not Big Cars: Insights from the Nation's First Multi-State Truck Pilot
Zoom Recording | Passcode: DhA7J!ac

Transportation infrastructure in the United States is funded primarily by the excise tax on gasoline and diesel fuel. The gas tax at the Federal level is not indexed to inflation and due to increases in fuel efficiency, revenues generated have declined significantly.

A mileage based user fee (MBUF) or vehicle miles traveled (VMT) fee is a user charge based on miles driven in a specific vehicle as opposed to the current excise tax on fuel consumed. 

There are many potential technologies for operating a mileage-based system and it is possible that offering options may be most effective for implementation. 

In the United States, states are taking a lead in helping to resolve many of the implementation questions by working with academia, industry partners and each other to devise mileage-based user fee pilot projects around the country. 

There are many misconceptions about privacy, fairness, double taxation, anti-fuel efficiency and interoperability.

What are some frequently asked questions about MBUF?